We have prepared for you some of the most typical Spanish expressions. This must be funny for you because we have made literal translations into English.
Meterse en la boca del lobo - Get into the wolf's mouth
Rápido como un lince - As fast as a linx
Estar en la luna - To be in the moon
Hablar por los codos - Talk by the elbows
A buenas horas mangas verdes - At good time green sleeves
Comer por la car - Eat by the face
En abril aguas mil - In April thousands of water
Quien se fue a Sevilla perdió su silla - The one who went to Sevilla lost the chair
En boca cerrada no entran moscas - In closed mouth, flyes can't get into
Tienes más cara que espalda - You have more face than back
Dormido como un tronco - Slept as a trunk
Tener pájaros en la cabeza - To have birds in the head
Tener los ojos como platos - To have eyes like plates
Tembrar como un flan - To sheak like a caramel custard
Tirar la casa por la ventana - Throw the house through the window
Estar como una cabra - To be like a goat
Te ha comido la lengua el gato - A cat has eaten your tongue
Más pesada que una vaca en brazos - Heavier than a cow in arms
Estar hecho un pincel - To be made a paintbrush
Y un pimiento! - And a pepper!
Now, you will have some useful expressions for you if you come to visit us:
Toe the mark - Seguir la marca
Too good to be true - Demasiado bueno para ser verdad
Raining cats and dogs - Llover a cántaros
As light as a feather - Ligero como una pluma
You have your head in the clouds - Estar en las nubes
You are as mad as a hatter - Estar loco como una cabra
The sky is spiting - Estar chispeando
Red as tomato - Rojo como tomato
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